Training Program
Dealing with difficult people at work is part of everyone’s life. Bad relationships, incompatibility, or the difficulty of an agreement between co-workers are only some matters. It will gradually get worse, if there is no strategic respond and solution. Difficult situation will caused dismissal, poor employee performance and uncomfortable workplace. Most people choose to remain silent as a solution. Somehow it will put the situation getting worse, while the offensive action also does not give a better way.
This training will help the participant to be more understood and overcome the situation, since people with difficult behavior also has various types. It will need clear strategy to avoid the stress caused by the other people in the work environment. ( CG )
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
1. Overcome the behavior of the difficult people
2. Develop their communication skill
3. Reduce the level of stress by trying to adapt with situation and difficult people
4. Create a strategic formula to cope with difficult people
1. Difficult People Definition
2. Various Types of Difficult People
3. The Strategy to Overcome Difficult People
4. Tactics to cope with difficult people based on their behavior types
5. Principles of Human Behavior
6. The Conform Technique in Difficult Situation
7. Improve Communication Skills
8. Discussion and Simulation
This training is of value to managers, supervisors, procurement, marketing staff, business tender staff and those who had tasks related with clients.
To understand the concept, this training will be delivered by presentation, case study and also exercise to explore the applicable technique. By the end of the session, participants will be directed to create the action plan, to determine which plan will be implemented after returning to their workplace.
Dr. H Fauzan Asmara, MM (CV Enclosed)
- Training Module
- Training CD contains training material
- Certificate
- Stationeries: Notebook and Ballpoint
- Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
- Bag or backpackers
- Training Photo
- Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
- Once lunch and twice coffee break every day of training
- Qualified instructor
- Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)
DATE Batch I : 03 – 05 July 2012 at Yogyakarta
Batch II : 18-20 September 2012 at Yogyakarta
Batch III : 27-29 November 2012 at Jakarta/Yogyakarta
Waktu : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Tempat : Jambu Luwuk /Ibis / MM UGM) Hotels Yogyakarta/Ibis
Tamarin Hotel Jakarta
Course Fee: Rp. 8.500.000,- per participant (Non Residential) at Jakarta
Rp. 7.500.000,- per participant (Non Residential) at Yogyakarta
In House Training : Rp 47.500.000,- (for maximum participant: 20 person)
Name : Dr. H Fauzan Asmara, MM
Place/Date Of Birth : Pamekasan, 23 November 1966
Religion : Islam
Address : Taman Sedayu B-26/27 Jl. Wates Km 10 Yogyakarta
Status : Married
Mobile Phone : 081578708444
Education Background:
S1 (Bachelor) : Jurusan Dunia Usaha Universitas Negeri Malang
S2 (Master) : Magister Management STIE Mitra Indonesia Yogyakarta
S3 (Doctoral) : Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi Konsentrasi Pemasaran Universitas Islam Indonesia
Business Service Professionals:
General Manager IMKIPRIMA Yogyakarta
Direktur Totalwin College
Direktur IPIEMS
Ketua Yayasan STIE Totalwin Semarang
Ketua Yayasan AMIKOM Purwokerto
Lecturer: Pasca Sarjana Magister Management
Consultant: Pertamina UP-II Dumai, UP-II Sei Pakning, dan UP-III Plaju
Trainer on Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Human Resources Development