Applied Statistics introduces the students to the use of basic statistical concepts in agribusiness applications. This course emphasizes topics on sampling and non-parametric methods which isn’t covered in Basic Statistics course. In sampling topic, students learn to plan, execute, and evaluate of sample surveys. The sampling topic covers: simple random, stratified, and cluster sampling; multistage and systematic sampling; questionnaire design; cost functions; and optimal designs. The student ezs must organize the team, perform, and analyze actual sample surveys. Nonparametric topic covers concepts of parametric and nonparametric statistics, hypothesis tests, ranks, order statistics, classical distribution-free tests. In the end of the course, the students will conduct a real life survey, analyze collected data and present the survey result.

The purpose of this course is to deliver the knowledge and understanding of the key elements of statistocal business process that are fundamental to commercial organization.(ci)


  • Inderstand the purposeof stastistical process control
  • Be able to set up and use chats for means, ranges, standard deviations, and proportion non-conforming
  • Be able to use and approriate   methode to estimate short term standard deviation
  • Be able to interpretthe variability of a process in relation to the required tolerances


Day 1

1.  Introduction to Statistical Analysis

  • Example case study in SPSS
  • Objective of statistical analyses

2.  Exploratory Data Analysis

  • Why data exploration is essential in statistical inference
  • Informal descriptions of data – numerical and visual summaries

3.  Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

  • Translating scientific questions into statistical hypotheses
  • Formulating and testing one sample hypotheses
  • Interpreting the output of a hypothesis test – p-values and errors


4.  Choosing an Appropriate Statistical Test

  • One sample case study using t-test and Wilcox on signed rank test
  • Parametric or Non-parametric tests

5.  Comparing Two Populations

  • Extending one population hypotheses to two populations
  • Two sample t-test and Wilcox on rank sum test
  • Paired t-test and Wilcox on signed rank test
  • Practice Session


6.   Exercise 1: Using SPSS

7.   Exercise 2. Importing data into SPSS


8.   Exercise 3. Numerical and visual data summaries

9.   Exercise 4. One sample t-test

10.  Exercise 5. One sample t-test, Wilcox on signed rank test


11. Exercise 6. Which test and why?

12. Exercise 7. Two sample t-test or Wilcox on rank sum test

13. Exercise 8. Paired t-test and Wilcox on signed rank test


14. Data interpretation & Reporting

15. Course Review & Evaluation


This program is intended for Personal in any level in Production, Inventory, Logistics Maintenance, and Quality Manager and supervisor.


DR. Akhmad Sodikin, SE, MM, M.Si

He completed his doctorate in Economics from the Padjajaran University. He is an expert on research and capital market analysts who mastered various research methodologies. Actively involved as a trainer and consultant in the activities of research and training projects related to competence.


1.    Presentation
2.    Discuss
3.    Case Study
4.    Evaluation
5.    Pre-Test & Post-Test


  1. Training Module
  2. Free High Quality Electronic Books
  3. Certificate
  4. Jacket or Batik
  5. Qualified Bag
  6. Training Photo
  7. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  8. Once lunch and twice coffee break every day of training
  9. Qualified Instructor
  10. Transportation from airport / railway to hotel and from hotel to the training venue


8 s.d 13 April  2013

13 s.d 18 Mei 2013

10 s.d 15 Juni 2013

9 s.d 14 September 2013

7 s.d 12 Oktober 2013

11 s.d 16 November 2013

2 s.d 7 Desember 2013

Hotel Ibis Styles,Jl. Dagen Malioboro Yogyakarta

Pukul 08.00 – 16.00 WIB


Fee course : Rp 12.000.000,-/participant

Special price : Rp. 10.000.000,-/participant (Non Residensial) Minimal kirim 3 peserta

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