Lingkungan bisnis saat ini menghadapi berbagai faktor risiko bisnis yang jauh berbeda dengan satu dekade yang lalu. Faktor-faktor risiko bisnis tersebut antara lain adalah: risiko stratejik, risiko operasional, risiko reputasi dan produk perusahaan, risiko legal-kontraktual, risiko sosial-politik, serta risiko finansial. Perusahaan yang gagal di dalam mengelola risiko-risiko bisnisnya akan terancam punah. Kegagalan banyak perusahaan di dalam mengelola risiko valuta asing pada saat krisis moneter telah mengakibatkan banyaknya perusahaan yang terpaksa harus menjalani proses penyehatan, berganti pemilik, atau bahkan dipailitkan. (jt)
1. New Risk Management Paradigm
- What is Risk?
- Categories of Risk
- Risk Management and Shareholder Value
- The Evolution of Risk Management Paradigm
2. Risk Management and Business Strategy
- Corporate Governance and Risk Management
- Risk Culture and Risk Management Framework
- Towards Enterprise-Wide Risk Management
3. Identifying, Measuring and Mitigating Risks
- Financial Risks
- Operational Risks
- Legal Risks
- Risk Measurement Techniques: Value at Risk (VaR), Stress Testing, and Earnings at Risk (EaR).
4. Managing Financial Risks with Derivatives
- Foreign Currency Derivatives
- Commodity Derivatives
- Cases in Corporate Risk Management
Trihendro Sigit Prakosa, SE, MBA, CFP
Supply Chain/Logistik, Procurement/Purchasing, PPIC, Produksi, Komite Pembelian
MIS, System Analyst, dan IT
Internal Auditor, Compliance Unit
Supervisor/Manager yang terlibat dalam proses procurement dan pengembangan system
Presentation, Discussion, Simulation, Case Study, and Evaluation
Training will be held on :
- 29 – 31 agustus 2012
- 10 – 12 September 2012
- 26 – 28 September 2012
- 10 – 12 Oktober 2012
- 15 – 17 Oktober 2012
- 11 – 13 November 2012
- 26 – 28 November 2012
- 10 – 12 Desember 2012
- 26 – 28 Desember 2012
Tempat pelaksanaan:
Santika Premiere Hotel, Yogyakarta ( Rp. 6.500.000/ participant non residential, special price Rp. 6.000.000/prticipant for minimum 3 participants from the same company.
All Seasons Legian, Bali. ( Rp. 11.500.000/ participant non residential, special price Rp. 11.000.000/prticipant for minimum 3 participants from the same company.
Aston Hotel, Balikpapan ( Rp. 9.500.000/ participant non residential, special price Rp. 9.000.000/prticipant for minimum 3 participants from the same company.
Ibis Hotel, Solo ( Rp. 7.500.000/ participant non residential, special price Rp. 7.000.000/prticipant for minimum 3 participants from the same company.
The Jayakarta Hotel, Lombok ( Rp.11.500.000/ participant non residential, special price Rp. 11.000.000/prticipant for minimum 3 participants from the same company.
Course Fee
- Convinience meeting room
- Free drop and pick-up services to and from the airport
- Transportation during training
- Training Kit
- 2x Coffee break & Lunch
- Certificate
- Souvenir
- City Tour + water sport ( Special for Bali & Lombok )