Hazard Identification Risk Assesment & Management

Hazard Identification Risk Assesment & Management

Hazard Identification Risk Assesment & Management 2

There are two approaches in the prevention and control of occupational accidents do. The first way is done by conducting an investigation of an accident that happened to find the root of the problem (root causes), and then create a program to prevent accidents from happening again in the future. This method is known as a reactive approach. The second way is to conduct hazard identification or the possibility of something undesirable, then analyzed and evaluated the level of risk (odds and consequences) to determine priorities and efforts or program pencegahaan and control accidents that needs to be done. The second way is known as a proactive approach. In practice the two approaches is done simultaneously and known as a “Trending”.
This training is designed to focus on the prevention and control of accidents with the second approach. There are several methods and tools used to assess and control risks such as hazard identification, risk assessment and control, HAZOPS, FMEA, Checklist, What If, Fault Tree Analysis, Event Tree Analysis, Cause Consequences Analysis, and so forth. Several methods are commonly used in a variety of companies will be covered in this training include Job Safety Analysis (JSA). Computer applications (database system) for Risk Assessment and Management, HAZOPS and Job Safety Analysis (JSA) will be introduced and given freely to the trainees to make it easier to understand and carry out hazard identification, risk assessment and control.

•Understand the requirements of the environmental management systems, occupational health and safety on the identification of hazards / environmental impact assessment and risk management such as ISO-14001, OHSAS 18001, SMK3, Process Safety Management (PSM), and others.
•Understand the principles and methods for valuation and risk control
•Can identify hazards or environmental impact assessment and risk control by methods commonly used
•Able to use computer applications (database system) for Risk Assessment and Management, HAZOPS and Job Safety Analysis.

•Environmental Management System Requirements, Safety and Health at Work on Risk Assessment & Management
-ISO 14001
-OHSAS 18001
•Introduction and principles or Environmental Impact Hazards Identification, Assessment and Control Risk
•Method or Tool for Risk Assessment and Management
-Identification of the Hazards / Environmental Impact Assessment and Risk Pengendalaian (HIRAC)
-What If
-What If / Checklist
-Fault Tree Analysis
-Event Tree Analysis
-Cause Consequences Analysis, etc.
•Computer Applications (Database System) for Risk Assessment and Management (HIRAC, HAZOPS and JSA)
•Workshop on Risk Assessment and Management Using Computer Applications

Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) coordinators or team members in an organisation tasked with identifying hazards and carrying out risk assessments.

Time : 27-29 April 2016
Vanue : Bali

Certificate, Training Kit, Module / Handout

Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation

Pendaftaran Hub


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