Pelatihan Advanced Strategic Maintenance Management
Leading industrial organizations are evolving away from reactive (“fix-it-when-it-breaks”) management into predictive, productive management (“anticipating, planning, and fix-it-before-it-breaks”). This evolution requires well-planned and executed actions on several fronts. You will:
- Identify planning best practices and key elements for taking action on them
- Understand how world-class organizations solve common planning problems
- Evaluate your practices compared to those of others
- Improve the use of your information and communication tools
- Improve productivity through use of better, more timely information
- Create and preserve lead-time in work management and use it for planning and scheduling resources
- Improve consistency and reliability of asset information
- Optimize preventive and predictive maintenance strategies
- Audit your maintenance operations
- Use the results to develop and improvement strategy
- Establish Auditing and Performance Indicators as a key element of the maintenance strategy
The programme will impart an understanding of how such techniques can be applied as part of a broad systematic approach to proactively managing and improving maintenance.(cg)
Out Line Training
Maintenance Management Strategy
- Maintenance in the Business Process
- Evolution in Maintenance Management
- The Maintenance Management Environment and the need for improvement
- An overview of various approaches to maintenance improvement
- The Maintenance Benchmarking Process
- Maintenance Benchmarking Methodology
- World-Class Maintenance Management
- Structure and content of Maintenance Management Strategy
Maintenance Plan: Define the workload
- Risk Priority Number
- The Criticality Matrix
- Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
- Consequences of Failure
- Failure Management Policies
- The application of RCM in the Development of Failure Management Policies
- Implementing Failure Management Policies
- Corrective Maintenance Planning
- Maintenance Logistics Planning
- Maintenance Task Detail Planning
- Maintenance Work Estimating
Maintenance Management Systems
- Maintenance Work Prioritisation
- Maintenance Work Flow
- Notifications
- Weekly Master Schedule
- Backlog Management
Maintenance Auditing and Improvement
- Introduction to Maintenance Auditing and Benchmarking
- Using Auditing and Benchmarking to drive improvement
- The Maintenance Auditing Process
- Maintenance Auditing Methodology
- Conducting a Maintenance Audit
- Interpreting Audit Results
- Using Auditing to Drive Improvement
Performance Indicators and Management Reporting
- Managing and Measuring Progress to Excellence
- Information and Control
- Management Levels and Information
- Maintenance Performance Indicators
- Management Reports
- Continuous Improvement in Maintenance
Professionals who are responsible for setting and implementing maintenance strategy, development of the maintenance programme, maintenance planning, scheduling and work control, including planners and users of CMMS
Teguh Pudji Purwanto, ST. MT.
Agus Djayatun, ST. MT
Waktu dan Tempat
Reguler Training :
Waktu : 05 s.d 07 Maret/ 03 s.d 05 Juni / 03 s.d 05 Juni/ 03 s.d 05 Desember 2013
Tempat : Ibis Malioboro Hotels
- Modul
- Sertifikat
- Souvenir
- Training Kit
- Presentasi
- Diskusi
- Studi Kasus
- Simulasi
- Evaluasi
Pelatihan Reguler :
Rp 8.750.000,-/ peserta nett Non Residential